Your Support Matters! - Please Donate.
We would like to petition for your support of the community to fund our annual operations, curriculum development, and training budget. We invite your support so that we can continually improve the services that we provide through the following strategic goals. Donate Now via Paypal Brothers Like Me Strategic Plan (2021...
We would like to petition for your support of the community to fund our annual operations, curriculum development, and training budget. We invite your support so that we can continually improve the services that we provide through the following strategic goals.
Brothers Like Me Strategic Plan (2021 - 2026)
- Serve: Establish Brothers Like Me as a resource and learning institution for community organizations and community members.
- Locate Facility: Secure a physical location for continuous training.
- Enhance Curriculum: Achieve 24-hour digital delivery and on-demand in person instruction, toward certifiable training completion for participants.
- Enhance Market Presence: Billboards and commercials in more communities. Formal relationships with independent entities (individuals, religious groups, community groups, schools) and government organizations (e.g., Philadelphia District Attorney's Office for Domestic Violence Services).